Friday, October 26, 2012

Join me on Agile Tour,Hyderabad and get Discounts!

As part of the India Scrum Enthusiasts Community (ISEC), Agile Tour, Hyderabad conference on 3rd November 2012 is coming up shortly. If you are in Hyderabad and want to learn, hear and network with fellow agile practitioners then this is a a must-see event in the Hyderabad area. Read more on the Conference details here  - "Agile Engineering Practices, Sprint internals and ScrumAnd"

The keynote speakers include Anil Bakshi (Xebia CEO) and other interesting sessions on continuous integration, feedback, including myself talking about "Acceptance Test Driven Development using Robot Framework"

ISEC is offering a limited period DISCOUNT:   ‘Buy 1 get 1 free seat’ offer i.e. For 1 delegate registration you get 1 FREE delegate entry !!

Contact me ASAP if you are planning on attending and need the discount code details.  Enjoy the weekend !

UPDATE: 18 Nov 2012-  Watch my Presentation slide deck below and contact me for more details.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Continuous Testing: Building Agility at Scale

As organizations scale their agile efforts and work across distributed locations, integrate products across business units, and develop solutions with their partners and become suppliers, they are facing integration challenges at an even bigger scale.  I will be discussing some of the challenges and solutions in upcoming postings.

The worlds of testing, development and the operations teams had already been struggling to collaborate in the software industry (with or without agile) and only recently have been able to reconcile to some extent, led by aggressive ALM (application lifecycle management) vendors and the upcoming DevOps movements. But the sheer size of integration due to scale complexities has further exaggerated this problem !

But the agilistas have many  tools to beat this complexity and the challenges can be  overcome by combining these. Reflecting back and recognizing the power of available techniques -  from extreme programming methodologies to the power of automated testing -  the agile toolkit offers a heavenly state of "Continuous Testing", which allows the organization to reduce the costly integration errors and provide continuous visibility to the business stakeholders while maintaining continuous high quality benchmarks.

Continuous Testing is based on the integrated framework of continuous integration (build stage) and continuous delivery (deploy stage) pipelines, which allow the engineering teams to run multiple builds and deploy cycles per change (using a continuous integration server) and performing the testing activities in parallel, across the various application life-cycle stages. The term ‘continuous testing’ was coined in 2003, to run the tests continuously to enable rapid feedback, while the source code is being changed.

I will be discussing more on the details of Continuous Testing in my upcoming series. Keep watching this space....

Friday, August 3, 2012

Agile Manufacturing - Dream on, dream ON !

If you ever thought that 'Test Driven Development' was difficult to adopt in your co-located, software teams, then see how these XTREME Agile practices, along with 'Pairing' and 'Kanban' have been applied to the Manufacturing World, which is being shaken up by WIKISPEED, breaking down the traditionally long cycles, barriers and conventions.

Watch this TED video by the founder, Joe Justice on how he is challenging the automotive world using Agile techniques and building the most ultra efficient, modular cars on the planet today, possibly paving the way to the future for "selling transportation" instead of selling cars.

If you have a similar story to share, drop in your comments and enjoy !

Sunday, July 22, 2012

what really is my secret sauce ?

In the quest to deliver business value quicker, enterprise agile transformations are common and growing, leaving the organization CXO's confused and struggling in the myriad universe of agile process and tools. They hear Scrum, Lean, XP, Kanban, DSDM, FDD, and are asking their team which ones should I choose ? Based on my experiences with enterprise wide transformations, I would love to share as to what really is my secret sauce?

The answer is not a simple YES only Scrum works ! and NO XP does not work !

Instead the real story is about a new breed of agilistas, who are mixing the various ingredients and bringing an integration of the various methodologies to deliver the promise of faster turnarounds and keeping the CXO's smiling. The amazing process landscape map by Mark Kennaley, as referred by Carson Holmes, summarizes this beautifully below and points to the SDLC3.0 wave approaching and becoming the new world order till we get to the next evolution.

SDLC 3.0
Courtsey: Fourth Medium Consulting

As the agile community evolves, the real adoption levels of these varied methodologies will always remain a hot topic...but now you know my secret sauce! But I would really love to hear your comments on which methodologies are actually converging in your organization? Is it Scrum and Kanban ? or Lean and XP practices with AMDD ? Tell me about your secret sauce in the comments now.
