Explaining and exploring the world of ATDD , BDD, TDD, had me wondering on the fascination in the software industry for the "x"DD acronyms and sent me looking out how the mavericks have been exploding this over in the industry evolution.
The RESULT: My little Glossary of A...Z in the "x"DD world
ATDD - Acceptance Test Driven Development
BDD - Behavior Driven Development
CDD - Capability Driven Development
DDD - Design Driven Development / Domain Driven Design
EDD - Example Driven Development
FDD - Feature Driven Development
GDD - Goal Driven Development
HDD - Hypothesis Driven Development
IDD - Interface Driven Development
JDD - ???
KDD - Knowledge Discovery in Databases (hmm...not in the same league)
LDD - Language Driven Development
MDD - Model Driven Development (MDA), Metrics Driven Development
NDD - ???
ODD - Object Driven Development
PDD - Plan, Performance Driven Development
QDD - Quality Driven Development
RDD - Readme Driven Development
SDD - Story Driven Development , Scenario Driven Development, Service Driven Development
TDD - Test Driven Development
UDD - ???
VDD - Value Driven Development, Value Driven Design
WDD - ???
XDD - XDA Development - Android
YDD - ???
ZDD - ???
Feel free to either start thinking about inventing in the missing ones (???) or add your variations in the comments below. I will be updating the hyperlinks to most soon.
Incase you are looking for some "x"DD recipes on the wilder side, you can check out Damien's note and Scott's take on these.
Till then, Happy "x"DD-ing !